7 Athletes Tested Positive at Moscows WCH

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 The IAAF announced on Friday that 7 atheles have failed drug tests that competed at the Moscow world championships last month.

The seven, who were named on the website (www.iaaf.org), have been sanctioned or provisionally suspended by the International Association of Athletics Federation.

Urine tests were taken from 538 athletes during competition and 7 of them were reported with adverse findings.

AVRAMENKO, Roman (UKR): (dehydrochloromethyltestosterone) 5th, final, men’s Javelin Throw

AZIZI, Massoud (AFG): (nandrolone metabolites)
8th, 4th heat, preliminary round, men’s 100m

BRYZGINA, Elyzaveta (UKR): (drostanolon)
5th, 1st heat semi-final, women’s 200m

KOZHAKHMETOVA, Ayman (KAZ): exogenous testosterone + EPO
27th, women’s 20km Race Walk

52nd, men’s 20km Race Walk

RYABOVA, Yelena (TKM): dehydrochloromethyltestosterone
6th, 3rd heat, women’s 200m

SALOJ, Jeremias (GUA): EPO
33rd, men’s Marathon

"All urine samples collected in Moscow will shortly be transferred to long-term storage facilities provided by the Lausanne laboratory for eventual re-analyses at a later stage," an IAAF statement said.

As part of the Athlete Biological Passport programme, 1,919 blood samples were also collected in Moscow. The programme tracks athletes' blood data over time to detect any abnormalities.

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