Kipsang Banned for four Years for Anti-Doping Rule Violation

Posted by: Watch Athletics

The World Athletics Disciplinary Tribunal (WADT) banned former marathon World record holder Wilson Kipsang for four years for violating anti doping rule.

"Disciplinary Tribunal has banned long-distance runner Wilson Kipsang of Kenya for 4-years with effect from 10 January 2020 for Whereabouts Failures and Tampering by providing false evidence and witness testimony." the Athletics Integrity Unit wrote on Twitter,

On January 10, Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) suspended Kipsang, the sixth fastest marathoner in history, with 2:03:13, for "whereabouts failures" and "tampering or attempted tampering."

The Athletics Integrity Unit said: “The athlete engaged in fraudulent and deceitful conduct by providing deliberately misleading and false information to the AIU in an attempt to obstruct and delay the investigation into his explanation and/or prevent normal procedures from occurring, namely the recording of a missed test against him.”

Under anti-doping rules, athletes have to inform testing authorities of their whereabouts for a one hour window of every day.

Three failures in 12 months - either not being present at the said time, or filing inaccurate or incomplete information, counts as one failure - leads to an automatic suspension.

Kipsang won bronze medal a the London 2012 Olympics. He also won Berlin, Tokyo, New York marathons and two times he prevailed at London marathon.

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